Archive for May, 2018

by Linda Agyapong

“Who” really is a stakeholder?

I enjoy breaking down some of the buzzwords in project management.

In my previous post, we looked at “project success” vs. “project management success.”

Today I’d like to focus on “stakeho…

Voices on Project Management


by Wanda Curlee

Not long ago, neuroscience was considered something akin to science fiction. In recent years, however, it has crawled out of that genre and into practical reality. By identifying ways people can reason, it’s even making major contributions to the project management professio…

Voices on Project Management


What the &@#%

I thought this was a very timely and provocative post, since I’ve experienced this kind of behavior in the past and found it boorish:

Adventures in Project Management

Increasingly, I hear a lot of people using profanity at work and during meetings. And some of them are very senior people. It is usually to make a point and not directed at a particular person. I am not personally offended by this but I am not sure if it is appropriate business behavior (not that I am an expert in appropriateness by any means).

I am interested in what other people thing. I can see it being a way of making points and being dramatic but I also believe in knowing your audience and being sensitive to team members who may have a problem with it. I do it sometimes but generally with my door closed and someone that I am very friendly with and I know would understand (and likely who speaks the same way). So what the @#$% do you guys think?

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By Cyndee Miller

Like most people, I am equally super excited and super terrified by technology. I do enjoy the idea of some adorable robotic creature handling all my mundane tasks. Yet I really don’t care for the idea of Alexa tracking my moves and monitoring my conversations.

But betwe…

Voices on Project Management


By Cyndee Miller

I write about project management—a lot. But there’s a certain adrenaline rush that comes when you actually get to check out a project and get the scoop from people in the know.

I was feeling mighty pleased that I scored a backstage pass to the Berlin Brandenburg Ai…

Voices on Project Management


by Cyndee Miller

Innovation has an odd rep, tied to a rather romanticized notion that it rests with only a small cadre of some bleeding-edge R&D types.

That’s just not how it plays out in today’s hyper-competitive world, though.

Innovation must become an “all-the-time,…

Voices on Project Management



by Kevin Korterud


The technology found in today’s automobiles is simply amazing. Front and side traffic radar units, anti-dozing head movement detectors, driving timers that alert drivers when they should stop for a break­ — all good examples of accident preven…

Voices on Project Management