I thought this was a very timely and provocative post, since I’ve experienced this kind of behavior in the past and found it boorish:

Adventures in Project Management

Increasingly, I hear a lot of people using profanity at work and during meetings. And some of them are very senior people. It is usually to make a point and not directed at a particular person. I am not personally offended by this but I am not sure if it is appropriate business behavior (not that I am an expert in appropriateness by any means).

I am interested in what other people thing. I can see it being a way of making points and being dramatic but I also believe in knowing your audience and being sensitive to team members who may have a problem with it. I do it sometimes but generally with my door closed and someone that I am very friendly with and I know would understand (and likely who speaks the same way). So what the @#$% do you guys think?

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