A rule of thumb from Al Pittampalli’s brilliantly succinct book, “Read This Before Our Next Meeting” that I try to follow is that a meeting should support a decision that has already been made.  We’ve all sat in meetings that seem like a Möbius strip of due diligence. I try and solicit opinion via email before a meeting, come to a preliminary conclusion, and present that in the meeting.  More often than not it streamlines the ensuing discussion, and saves a lot of wasted time and effort.  What are some strategies you’ve found to make meetings more effective?




From Voices on Project Management:
By Emily Luijbregts

Is a full calendar a sign of an effective leader? Does having lots of meetings make you a better project manager?

I’d answer “no” to both of those questions. For several years, I rushed through days where I’ve barely had time to think as I went from …

Voices on Project Management https://ift.tt/2zoP2zv