Archive for August 24, 2020

Trying times require managers to really lean on that trust they’ve already built with their team.  I’ve found one of the best ways to do this is to keep team members in the loop and up-to-date at all times. Sharing honest communication is vital to effectively weather any storm.  Empowering team members to have a voice in decision-making and take ownership in their assignments also displays a much-needed level of trust.

How do you instill trust and get the maximum out of your team in trying times?

From Voices on Project Management:
By Peter Tarhanidis, PhD, MBA

The COVID-19 pandemic, political and racial division, unemployment and other serious issues are casting enormous shadows across the globe.

On top of these stressors, many of us have isolated ourselves from each other in order to lessen the spread of the viru…

Voices on Project Management

From Voices on Project Management:
By Emily Luijbregts

During project retrospectives, one of the biggest issues I often hear is inadequate communication. Perhaps the project manager did not communicate correctly, at the right time, in the right manner—or simply did not communicate at all!

Excellent communication skills ar…

Voices on Project Management