Archive for March, 2021

From Voices on Project Management: By Cyndee Miller No one could have possibly made it through this pandemic unchanged—as a person or as a professional. Existing skills have been put to the test and new ones were developed along the way. Sometimes it was something relatively simple like mastering the mute button. Other times…

From Voices on Project Management: By Cyndee Miller We’ve been mired in the COVID muck for more than a year now. The toll on our physical and mental health can’t be understated, but we’ve also seen how it’s fundamentally altered the world of work. And even as more vaccine shots make their way into more arms…

From Voices on Project Management: by Dave Wakeman I recently had a chance to chat with Mark Herschberg, author of a great new book, The Career Toolkit. Mark was an interesting person to talk with at this point because his book lays out a few essential skills and ideas that will help us navigate the rest of the pandemic, but also …

From Voices on Project Management: by Lynda Bourne Every decision involves making a choice between alternatives, with the project leader picking from a number of options. This selection is influenced by information (albeit sometimes insufficient) and preferences rooted in values and ethics. In these circumstances, the modern t…

From Voices on Project Management: by Peter Tarhanidis Pressing into 2021, all of us must consider the skills we each need to lead through the current COVID crisis—and into the future. We all witnessed this pandemic’s damage across our businesses. And in response, many organizations have changed their ambitions and goa…

From Voices on Project Management: I’ve been trying to learn more about good decision-making and recently read Daniel Kahneman’s famous Thinking Fast and Slow. It’s very surprising to see the number of fallacies and biases that cloud our decision-making, with some impacting us more than others. Here are three of the…

From Voices on Project Management: By Cyndee Miller This is normally the day where I’d write a post extolling all the amazing things that female project leaders are doing. And there’s certainly plenty to celebrate. Those women you see in the video above are leading the way in everything from space exploration and AI to…

From Voices on Project Management: by Wanda Curlee Saying COVID has changed the way we do business is an understatement. Some companies accelerated their projects, pivoting to quickly to support clientele. Others had to overhaul processes because of virtual or hybrid working environments. One thing was certain: Standing idle in th…