Archive for April, 2021

From Voices on Project Management: By Cyndee Miller It’s Earth Day and this year’s event comes with an even greater level of urgency—and action. Two-thirds of people say climate change is a “global emergency,” per a survey by United Nations. And some high-profile government and business leaders are st…

From Voices on Project Management: By Emily Luijbregts During my presentation at this year’s PMXPO, I received a lot of questions about the skills needed to adapt to and excel in leading virtual teams. It seems to be something that a lot of project managers are struggling with at the moment, but it’s something that can…

From Voices on Project Management: By Lynda Bourne I was recently involved in a discussion about why some projects fail and others succeed, even when they’re completed in similar circumstances. The most common determinant of project outcomes—both positive and negative—boiled down to the way the people deliver…

In my experience, one of the biggest pitfalls with regard to the Backlog is not being able to hit your stride in terms of refinement.  The proper cadence can be a science, and I have known a lot of managers who are heavy-handed. On the other hand, too many items can seem insignificant over time.

Review Christian Bisson’s post below and give your feed back in the comments:


From Voices on Project Management: By Christian Bisson A key artifact for any successful team is a healthy backlog: a list of what’s needed to bring value to the project—written in a way the team can understand and ordered so the team is always focused on what brings the most value. Yet between all the user stories,…

Knowledge sharing within an organization requires leadership by example.  In my experience, it really becomes a trust issue, and if knowledge remains entrenched with high-level, experienced employees, the organization suffers.  Read more in Yasmina Khelifi’s post below:

From Voices on Project Management: By Yasmina Khelifi: Sharing knowledge has so many benefits: It’s at the heart of business continuity. It boosts team morale. It creates a culture of continued learning. It connects remote employees to crucial information. It encourages the flow of ideas and can even ch…