Archive for June 23, 2021

In Earned Value Project Management Method and Extensions, Anbari states that, in a project, “the schedule variance (SV) is a measure of the conformance of actual progress to the schedule: SV = EV – PV” (Anbari, 2003).  Read more about the SPI at the link below:

If someone asked how much value you get from a day of work, what would you say? Odds are, you’d give one of the customary responses — a fair amount of value, not much value, a lot of value, etc. Unfortunately, these answers aren’t helpful and aren’t valuable to projects.

The schedule performance index was created to eliminate the guesswork and give a specific, quantifiable answer to the question, as well as show where improvements need to be made for maximum efficiency.

What Is the Schedule Performance Index?

Schedule performance index (SPI) is part of a greater project performance measurement method called earned value management (EVM). The SPI itself is a ratio of earned value to planned (or actual) value. Depending on the integer, SPI reflects a project being on schedule, behind schedule or ahead of schedule.

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Anbari, F. T. (2003). Earned value project management method and extensions. Project Management Journal, 34(4), 12–23

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Matthews states that, “good project scheduling methodology is essential to control and ultimately to a company’s competitive advantage and profitability. For this reason, the project schedule has long been emphasized as a key tool in the management of a project’s resources” (Matthews, 1994).  Read some great tips for effective resource scheduling at the link below: 


What are resources? They’re everything you need for a project. That includes people, places and things.

In other words, resources are essential. Dealing with them and coordinating their use is one of the main hurdles that project managers have to clear if they’re going to cross that project finish line.

Resources will plug into every phase of your project. They’re part of the planning, scheduling and executing of the project. A sound methodology is required in order to have the resources you need when you need them. You know where this is going. Yes, resource scheduling.

It’s hard to pinpoint the most important aspect of project management. Everything feels essential. But there are definitely some pillars that hold up the project and carry more weight than others. Resource scheduling is one. We have a few tips that will help you manage your resources better.

Matthews, M. D. (1994). Resource scheduling: incorporating capacity into schedule construction. Project Management Journal, 25(2), 44–54.


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