I’m sure you’ve done it too: pulled out the calendar, circled the project due date, and worked backward from there. Read Quincy Yarbrough’s article about mastering the Workback Schedule, and then work your way back to this post to comment on your workback methodology…

Have you ever gotten stuck trying to schedule a project? If you’re like most of us, the answer is yes. It’s the project management equivalent of writer’s block, and it can majorly slow down your planning.

The good news is, there is no shortage of methods designed for tricky scheduling situations—whether it’s a lack of information, inspiration or anything else. One such solution is the workback schedule.

What Is a Workback Schedule?

A workback schedule is a method of scheduling in which the planner assigns resources to tasks in reverse order, starting from the last task and going to the first. This is best executed with the help of project scheduling software.

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