Archive for August 4, 2021

“I.T. was the best of times, I.T. was the worst of times, I.T. was the age of wisdom, I.T. was the age of foolishness, I.T. was the season of light, I.T. was the season of darkness, I.T. was the spring of hope, I.T. was the winter of despair…”  – Apologies to Charles Dickens.

The structured thought processes of the conventional information technology initiative make it most difficult to fathom the chaotic conditions under which some initiatives have been forced to exist and progress. Accounts follow of three real-world transformation initiatives observed in their respective environments, with subsequent analysis and introspection, however difficult, in the months and years following each initiative’s protracted imprisonment in its own Bastille. Perchance posterity can, from considering these telling accounts, be forewarned, find shared experience, be nourished by hope and so see their initiatives and organizations recalled to life.[…]

The post A Tale of Three Initiatives: Project Management Lessons from the French Revolution appeared first on Project Management Articles, Webinars, Templates and Jobs.

1. The most comprehensive and complete Portfolio Board Kit that captures up to 20 projects & programs on it! Special design Portfolio Board provides a complete overview of a large portfolio up to 20 projects and programs. You can easily sense overall status of each project on the board from 10 feet and in 3 […]

The post 5 Reasons to Consider pmxboard Portfolio Management Board Set for your professional and private life appeared first on Project Management Articles, Webinars, Templates and Jobs.

Strategic management is a topic that sounds very impressive.  It conjures images of cross-functional teams dressed in business attire gathered around a table – or maybe facing a whiteboard – analyzing data and applying models in order to make decisions for the company with millions of dollars riding on the outcome.  Many of us who […]

The post Strategic Management Demystified – A better approach to strategic management and how you already know how to use it appeared first on Project Management Articles, Webinars, Templates and Jobs.