Elizabeth Larson explores the lessons of courage BAs and PMs can take away from the 14th century chivalric romance poem:

There are many ingredients that enable us to influence others, including perhaps the hardest to achieve—courage. Unless we have the courage to recommend the right things for our organizations, to speak out when we think our stakeholders are on the wrong path, and to promote workable solutions that are unpopular with executives, we cannot hope to be influential. As PMs and BAs we need to be able to influence others as part of our job. And that takes courage.

I have always loved fantasy books/movies as well as those where the characters grow because they have found the courage to complete difficult tasks. That is why the Lord of the Rings trilogy has always been one of my favorites. And I remember loving the fourteenth-century poem that I read decades ago in college, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Seeing the movie The Green Knight, which is based on that poem, reminded my why—it’s a fantasy story about courage.

Sir Gawain, a knight in King Arthur’s court, undertakes a treacherous journey to fulfill a promise. The story is about integrity, knowing what is right and wrong, and making and meeting commitments—and the consequences of not doing so. There are many lessons BAs and PMs can learn about courage from the story. I’ve chosen 3 to discuss here.


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