Archive for August 18, 2021

Project management is everywhere—the term is experiencing a moment. People have come to realize that the discipline of project management offers proven methodologies and tools to get their jobs done more productively and efficiently.

In fact, project management is such a broad topic that it integrates other management ideas and applies them. One such idea is the theory of constraints. While the theory of constraints is typically used in manufacturing, it can be helpful in controlling most any project.

What Is the Theory of Constraints?

Basically, the theory of constraints says that a number of constraints prevents any management or manufacturing system from achieving more of its goals. There is always at least one constraint or limiting factor that creates a bottleneck, and the theory of constraints uses five focusing steps to identify that constraint and then improve it so that it isn’t a bottleneck anymore.

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Read Megan Keup’s Blog Post at the Link Below:

For any company to profit from a product, there must be a strategic plan in place to produce just enough to meet that need. Create too few products, and there’s a missed financial opportunity. Create too much, and money is wasted in production and warehousing.

Aggregate planning is a technique to create an equilibrium between demand and capacity. It’s something every company that is producing something needs to know. Let’s take a look at what aggregate production planning is and some aggregate planning strategies.

What Is Aggregate Planning?

Aggregate planning is a method for analyzing, developing and maintaining a manufacturing plan with an emphasis on uninterrupted, consistent production. Aggregate planning is most often focused on targeted sales forecasts, inventory management and production levels in the mid-term (3-to-18-month) future.

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Read  Regina Thomas‘ post at the link below:

Even if you’re the most skillful and experienced project manager, it’s important to understand that there is always room for improvement. This is because every project presents a new set of challenges that you might not be very familiar with. Here are some ways you could be improving project management: Build a great team As […]

The post 5 Ways You Could Be Improving Project Management appeared first on Project Management Articles, Webinars, Templates and Jobs.