Archive for December, 2021

Not everyone works the same way, which is why there…Read More »

The post How to Identify Different Work Styles for Better Productivity appeared first on

When you’re creating a company or working on a business…Read More »

The post How to Write a Mission Statement (Definition & Examples Included) appeared first on

Purchase management is critical to keeping an organization well-supplied. From…Read More »

The post Purchase Management: A How-To Guide With Best Practices appeared first on

Thanks to the evolution of modern business practices, agile, an…Read More »

The post Scrum Roles: The Anatomy of a Scrum Team appeared first on

Project management has forever been changed by COVID in both subtle and significant ways. In my world – government contracting – it previously would have been unimaginable to work anywhere but at the client’s site. Since the pandemic, change surrounds us. I hesitate to call it the ‘new normal’ because nothing is normal about our […]

The post Navigating Project Management with a Hybrid Team appeared first on Project Management Articles, Webinars, Templates and Jobs.

Product Manager vs Project Manager While both are leadership roles and…Watch »

The post Product Manager vs Project Manager – What’s the Difference? appeared first on

Sperry and Jetter indicate that, “socially responsible organizations engage with stakeholders to determine the feasibility of project alternatives under investigation, to create a shared understanding of the project, and of associated stakeholder concerns, and to increase project acceptance” (Sperry & Jetter, 2014). This analysis typically takes place during the initiation phase of a project and relies on multiple methods to engage stakeholders and solicit their feedback. William Malsam explores the subject of Analysis of Alternatives at the link below. Review Malsam’s thoughts and return here to comment on your preferred techniques to access the feasibility of project alternatives.

There’s more than one way to skin a cat. That is to say—you can reach the same outcome through different means. To discover those means, you can use an alternative analysis. An alternative analysis is how project managers choose how they’re going to approach a project.

There are always options, and knowing which is the best one for your project takes time, research and an understanding of possible scenarios. An analysis of alternatives is required, and today’s blog will guide you through the tools and methods you should use to get the data you need…Read More »

The post What Is Alternative Analysis in Project Management? appeared first on

Sperry, R. C. & Jetter, A. (2014). Incorporating stakeholder input for assessing alternatives: a novel approach using fuzzy cognitive mapping. Paper presented at Project Management Institute Research and Education Conference, Phoenix, AZ. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute.

Jaafari indicates that ad-hoc “projects could be defined as departmental initiatives and handled informally by any person who happened to be closest to the action without any due concern about the person’s competence or management of environmental complexity” and most often were in the realm of the accidental project manager (Jaafari, 2003). Shawn Dickerson explores the concept of ad-hoc projects and requests at the link below. While his recommendations include a proprietary software solution as one option to manage ad-hoc work, there are, in reality, several more superior options, in my opinion. These include Wrike and Workfront, to name a few. Review Dickerson’s article and return to comment on how your organization manages ad-hoc projects and requests.

Projects rarely go as planned. There is always the potential…Read More »

The post How to Manage Ad-Hoc Projects and Ad-Hoc Requests appeared first on

Jaafari, A. (2003). Project management in the age of complexity and change. Project Management Journal, 34(4), 47–57

Many teams still use email to run projects and collaborate. Whether it’s for graphic design, marketing, or sales, among other business processes, email seems to remain the go-to communication channel. Sadly, standard email platforms are usually inefficient and unsystematic. And so the issue becomes, what if you need to continue using team emails? Is there […]

The post 8 Ways to Optimize Your Collaboration Through Team Emails appeared first on Project Management Articles, Webinars, Templates and Jobs.

This article is part of a series and presents the second critical skill that all project managers (PMs) and business analysts (BAs) need for success. This one is about the importance of being able to translate technical complexity into business language. As the technology in organizations has become not only increasingly important to its success […]

The post Critical Skills Needed for Project Success – Part 2 Translation appeared first on Project Management Articles, Webinars, Templates and Jobs.