Archive for December 8, 2021

Jaafari indicates that ad-hoc “projects could be defined as departmental initiatives and handled informally by any person who happened to be closest to the action without any due concern about the person’s competence or management of environmental complexity” and most often were in the realm of the accidental project manager (Jaafari, 2003). Shawn Dickerson explores the concept of ad-hoc projects and requests at the link below. While his recommendations include a proprietary software solution as one option to manage ad-hoc work, there are, in reality, several more superior options, in my opinion. These include Wrike and Workfront, to name a few. Review Dickerson’s article and return to comment on how your organization manages ad-hoc projects and requests.

Projects rarely go as planned. There is always the potential…Read More »

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Jaafari, A. (2003). Project management in the age of complexity and change. Project Management Journal, 34(4), 47–57

Many teams still use email to run projects and collaborate. Whether it’s for graphic design, marketing, or sales, among other business processes, email seems to remain the go-to communication channel. Sadly, standard email platforms are usually inefficient and unsystematic. And so the issue becomes, what if you need to continue using team emails? Is there […]

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