Archive for July, 2022

From Blog: The expression “product manager vs. project manager” is commonly seen online, but what is the true difference between the two? Both roles are responsible for managing either the product or project lifecycle, two separate but similar processes that require leadership…Watch

The post Product Manager vs. Project Manager: 4 Key Differences appeared first on ProjectManager.

From Blog: Project management charts greatly help project managers plan, schedule and track progress on projects of all sizes. There are many types of project management charts and there’s one for each stage of the project life cycle such as project initiation…Read More

The post 10 Best Project Management Charts for Project Planning appeared first on ProjectManager.

From blog: Before setting foot on the construction site, a long process has already unfolded. The architecture design process allows a concept to become a reality. It takes place over several phases, one of the most important being design development. Design development…Read More

The post What Is Design Development (DD) In Architecture? appeared first on ProjectManager.

From An indecisive project manager is the last thing a company needs. Decision making is critical to project success. If you can’t make decisions with conviction, your team and the success of your projects are in serious jeopardy. Project managers need swift and confident decision-making skills to do their best work. But how do you cultivate […]

The post Cultivating Confident Decision Making as a Project Manager appeared first on Project Management Articles, Webinars, Templates and Jobs.

From Have you ever heard about the Kanban method? It is a method of work management that emerged in the Toyota Production System in the late 40s. At that time Toyota began to work with the “just in time” production system, so production was based on demand. This system started the foundations of Lean Manufacturing and […]

The post Save Project Time With the Kanban Method appeared first on Project Management Articles, Webinars, Templates and Jobs.

Originally appeared on blog: Managing the resources, activities, costs and schedules required to successfully execute a marketing campaign can be hard, but it’s possible thanks to marketing management. The marketing management process is used to streamline the job of a marketer and help them…Read More

The post What Is Marketing Management? An Essential Introduction appeared first on ProjectManager.

Originally appeared on blog: What Is Cost Management? Cost management is the process by which one plans and manages the budget of a business or project. In the case of a project, it helps the project manager estimate what the project will cost and…Watch

The post Cost Management Basics appeared first on ProjectManager.

From There is a-l-o-t involved when running a successful project: the manager and team relationships, the myriad of tasks that need to be completed, the budget, the deliverables, etc. With all the moving parts that ought to be handled effectively, project managers can’t afford to have poor communication skills, especially when sending emails. When project managers […]

The post How to Write Effective Project Management Emails appeared first on Project Management Articles, Webinars, Templates and Jobs.

From blog: Every project has requirements which mean every project manager should be prepared with a requirements management plan. How does this work? Let’s say your organization is building a new distribution center that’s reportedly going to bring hundreds of new jobs….Read More

The post Project Requirements Management: A Quick Guide appeared first on ProjectManager.

From We know that it often takes courage to try something new. But what about trying something old? Sometimes it takes courage to do the basics, things that we know work, but for a variety of reasons are deemed to take too long or seem too “old school.” Often the old ways are not welcome. To […]

The post The Courage to Try Something Old – Part 1: Facilitation appeared first on Project Management Articles, Webinars, Templates and Jobs.