Archive for August, 2022

From Blog: Operational Efficiency: A Quick Guide

From Blog: The bottom line is often emphasized when talking about how to keep a business solvent. But focusing only on money disregards the processes that contribute to profits. Operational efficiency is another way to look at work when you’re delivering a…Read More

The post Operational Efficiency: A Quick Guide appeared first on ProjectManager.

From  Published on: Mar 19, 2020 Fear, including anxiety, and anger are realities. They are normal. They appear in all situations, including projects. There is a challenge – to not suppress or ignore these emotions AND to not to act out in emotionally driven behavior. Finding the place between suppression and acting out takes wisdom and skillful […]

The post Best of PMTimes: Managing Fear and Anger in Projects appeared first on Project Management Articles, Webinars, Templates and Jobs.

From Blog: How to Hire a Program Director (Job Description Included)

From Blog: A program director is an essential position that oversees projects. They can be found in nearly every type of industry but are most common in business and healthcare. But how do you go about hiring a program director that will…Read More

The post How to Hire a Program Director (Job Description Included) appeared first on ProjectManager.

From  Published on: Jan 21, 2020 The fashion industry is one of the fastest-growing ones and it’s probably more unpredictable than any other. What is “hot” today may easily not be popular tomorrow, which makes it very difficult to plan for very long periods in the future. Still, this industry needs people who know how to manage […]

The post Best of PMTimes: Project Management Strategies for Succeeding in the Fashion Industry appeared first on Project Management Articles, Webinars, Templates and Jobs.

From Blog: Manufacturing Cycle: A Quick Guide

From Blog: By the time a product shows up on the shelf, it’s been through a much longer journey called the manufacturing cycle. Each product is manufactured from raw materials that need to be procured before the product hits the market. The…Read More

The post Manufacturing Cycle: A Quick Guide appeared first on ProjectManager.

From  The study of leadership theory can seem daunting to the new leader. The vast amount of material can make it difficult for the student of leadership to determine where to start. One suggestion is to start with the question of why we study leadership theory by considering in what ways leadership can be practically applied, […]

The post It’s not a challenge; it’s an opportunity! appeared first on Project Management Articles, Webinars, Templates and Jobs.

From Blog: How to Calculate Percent Complete in Project Management

From Blog: When you’re managing a project, you have to track your team’s progress while they execute their work to stick to your schedule. This is done with task management, and one of the cornerstones of task management is knowing the percent…Read More

The post How to Calculate Percent Complete in Project Management appeared first on ProjectManager.

From Blog: What Is an Audit Trail & How to Conduct One

From Blog: Tracking what you do is essential to proper execution. Without a clear picture of where you are, you’ll never have a clear path toward where you need to be. Regarding project management, an audit trail is a way to deliver…Read More

The post What Is an Audit Trail & How to Conduct One appeared first on ProjectManager.

From Blog: What Is a Project Director? Role, Responsibilities and Salary

From Blog: The project manager is on the ground, running the team and keeping the daily operations of a project running smoothly. But who looks after the project manager? In project management, that position is called a project director. Project management tends…Read More

The post What Is a Project Director? Role, Responsibilities and Salary appeared first on ProjectManager.

From No One Thing What is the most important thing in project management? You could say that there is no one most important thing. In the context of our bodies, is the brain more important than the heart, or lungs? One without the others is useless. Weakness in one weakens the others as well as the whole. The […]

The post The Most Important Thing: Systems Thinking appeared first on Project Management Articles, Webinars, Templates and Jobs.