Archive for January 25, 2023

From Blog: Anyone who has delivered a product or service understands the triple constraint. Time, cost and scope have to be controlled to successfully complete a project. However, there’s a fourth constraint that’s less discussed: quality. Cost of quality (COQ) helps you…Read More

The post Cost of Quality (COQ): A Quick Guide appeared first on ProjectManager.

From “There’s a crack, a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” – Leonard Cohen   Wabi-sabi is a Japanese wisdom principle that has great relevance to project management and, in fact, any management, including self-management. The principle is to embrace imperfection, surrendering to the reality that nothing is permanent, and nothing is complete. […]

The post Wabi-Sabi: Embrace Imperfection to Continuously Improve appeared first on Project Management Articles, Webinars, Templates and Jobs.