Archive for February, 2023

Originally Appeared on Blog: Projects, no matter the size and scope, are complex. If they weren’t, they might as well be tasks on a to-do list. Luckily, project management is a team effort—for every project, there’s a project team working together to make deliverables…Read More

The post Assembling a Project Team: Roles, Responsibilities & Best Practices appeared first on ProjectManager.

Originally Appeared on Blog: As a business grows, it needs to look at new processes or ways to improve the processes it has in place. Maybe the company wants to scale and sustain its growth or increase productivity and efficiency. Whatever the objectives, process…Read More

The post Process Implementation: A Quick Guide appeared first on ProjectManager.

From  Goals are something to work toward or aspire to. Expectations are beliefs that something will occur in a certain way. Goals are not expectations. And knowing the difference can help to avoid unnecessary disappointment and conflict.   Last month I wrote about embracing imperfection to achieve ongoing performance improvement. The implication is that we must expect imperfection, […]

The post Goals are NOT Expectations: Change Mindsets to Avoid the Suffering of Disappointed Stakeholders appeared first on Project Management Articles, Webinars, Templates and Jobs.

Originally Appeared on Blog: The ability to measure progress is how project managers keep projects on track. Waterfall methodology rests heavily on Gantt charts. But if you’re working in an agile environment, the Gantt chart isn’t the right tool for your iterative approach to…Read More

The post What Is a Burn Up Chart In Agile Project Management? appeared first on ProjectManager.

From  Two and a half years ago I started working on probably the most important project of my life, and one that benefits me directly as both the project manager and customer. It would utilize over a million dollars in cost, eight months of focus and attention before moving to operations, and a little over a […]

The post The Most Important Project of Your Life! appeared first on Project Management Articles, Webinars, Templates and Jobs.

Originally Appeared on Blog: Resources such as raw materials, human resources and machinery are needed to execute any project. This means that resource management is one of the main hurdles that project managers have to clear for successful project delivery. Because resources are tied…Read More

The post Resource Scheduling in Project Management appeared first on ProjectManager.

Originally Appeared on Blog:  Every business needs resources such as labor, raw materials, equipment and other inputs. Your team uses resources to execute a variety of projects such as making products or providing services. These resources must be purchased by your organization, and the…Read More

The post Project Procurement Management: A Quick Guide appeared first on ProjectManager.

Originally Appeared on Blog:  A key goal in manufacturing is to get products to market faster while keeping costs down, which is why many manufacturing companies embrace just-in-time manufacturing (JIT). JIT helps manufacturers streamline production planning, reduce their production cost and improve their lead…Read More

The post Just-In-Time Manufacturing & Production (JIT): A Quick Guide appeared first on ProjectManager.

Originally Appeared on Blog: Project managers know the critical path. It’s the longest sequence of tasks that must be completed to deliver the project, and these tasks are referred to as critical activities. Delaying any of them delays the overall schedule. A CPM schedule…Read More

The post How to Make a CPM Schedule: CPM Scheduling Basics appeared first on ProjectManager.

Originally Appeared on Blog: There’s a lot of work involved in getting a project approved. You need to convince stakeholders or clients that the project is worthwhile. This should be done upfront and is usually accomplished via the project summary. That’s a lot of…Read More

The post How to Write a Project Summary (Free Template Included) appeared first on ProjectManager.