Tag Archive: ProjectsAtWork #ProjectManagement

Think your project has risks? Critical dependencies? Demanding stakeholders? Unrealistic expectations? Military veterans know more than most people about how these project management challenges play out in real time.

Military veterans, like few others, have truly absorbed the lessons of teamwork,…

ProjectsAtWork https://ift.tt/2GjYrw5

Your professional development is a career-long project. You should never stop seeking ways to expand and improve your skills. But you also can’t become overwhelmed or impatient with the journey.

I hear a lot about the struggle “to be heard” in an organization. Next-gen and …

ProjectsAtWork https://ift.tt/2FutlRy

A new generation of project leaders is rising. Here are six values they bring to the new Project Economy.

A new generation of project talent is rising around the world. With Gen Z entering the workforce and millennials taking on management roles, organizations are being dynamically altered. These…

ProjectsAtWork https://ift.tt/30bklHS

With the pandemic forcing so many project teams to work from home, no doubt you're holding tons of virtual meetings. But are you making the most of them? 

Working from home (or WFH) is quickly becoming "the new normal." The COVID-19 pandemic kicked the WFH movement in…

ProjectsAtWork https://ift.tt/3aZCv3D

In an age when nuanced discussion gets lost or distorted by Twitter rants and Facebook echo chambers, is anyone listening to anyone anymore? 

Even in the world of project management, where communication skills are highly valued, listening skills don’t get nearly as much attention as th…

ProjectsAtWork https://ift.tt/39AYPjb

A hard line on the bottom line means projects better show value. But ROI can be spelled many ways.

No business goes to market with a product or service that it isn't confident will justify the time and resources spent developing it. Should project selection be any different? Most organization…

ProjectsAtWork https://ift.tt/2tKZyi2

New technologies, shifting business needs, flexible delivery approaches and the move to The Project Economy—all of these things are changing the profession of project management. And that shift is only going to accelerate in 2020. 

In a recent episode of Projectified with hos…

ProjectsAtWork https://ift.tt/2T8sASS

A major renovation project at Denver International Airport is sending out Mayday signals, with cost overruns that could exceed $350 million and delays measured in years. It’s déjà vu all over again. 

I once did a story on an infamous project debacle—a complex baggag…

ProjectsAtWork https://ift.tt/2UQIYGD

Relationships take a lot of work. Are you working on your project relationships?

The importance of building productive working relationships with your team can't be overstated. It's a fundamental part of a project manager’s job—as time-consuming and critical as creating t…

ProjectsAtWork https://ift.tt/334DKuJ

Risk is everywhere. Crossing the street. Changing lanes. Joining a pickup basketball game. Digging in the yard. Some risk we take for granted—most drivers observe the red light, so we go ahead and cross the street; after all, we want to get to the other side.

On projects, risk gets more com…

ProjectsAtWork http://bit.ly/2WFM8MJ